Al fondo hay sitio Chapter 472. In TelenovelasyTV free, you can see online the background is Chapter 472 of the site on Tuesday 21 June 2011.

Al fondo hay sitio Chapter 472: The Gonzales family reaches Huamanga Lima, Ayacucho, to live in one of the most exclusive areas of the city, Las Lomas, in a house half-built legacy. His neighbors, Maldini family, belonging to a high class and exclusive frown upon the arrival of the Gonzales and attempt to evict them at all costs by generating a war between two families.
However, despite the conflicts, feelings such as love and solidarity come to flourish among their members.

All history is based on social differences and customs, customs Gonzales Maldinis mountain and its high social refinement, there are many situations, fights, love, dramas and more situations without leaving aside his comic style and series only Check the background is Chapter 472 Site.

Al Fondo Hay Sitio Capítulo 472: La familia Gonzales llega a Lima de Huamanga, Ayacucho, para vivir en una de las zonas más exclusivas de la ciudad, Las Lomas, en una casa heredada a medio construir. Sus vecinos, la familia Maldini, al pertenecer a una clase alta y exclusiva, ven con malos ojos la llegada de los Gonzales e intentarán desalojarlos a toda costa generando una guerra entre ambas familias. Sin embargo, a pesar de los conflictos, sentimientos como el amor y la solidaridad llegarán a florecer entre sus miembros.
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